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Breast Cancer in Australia, China & India Details

 “Breast cancer” is a type of cancer mostly developed in women.  It is life threaten disease which is growing all part of the world.  Its incidence rates are varies from country to country or developed countries to un-developed countries depending on the public awareness, healthcare infrastructure, governments screening and preventive policies.  In the Asia Pacific region, Australia having the highest breast cancer incidence rate 86 per 100,000 general women population whereas with 65.9, 65.7, 61.2, 52.1 and 51.5 incidence rates Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan is holding the 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th places respectively in the region. Worldwide breast cancer incidence rate was 43.3 per 100,000 women.

Lack of female doctors and nurses are one of the most driving forces to increase breast cancer incidence among the women as women are hesitating to explain their medical condition to the male doctor.  Social and cultural behaviors among the most of Islamic countries (such as Pakistan, Bangaladesh, Malaysia etc.) are also helping to increase breast cancer incidence cases among these countries. As a result, breast cancer case has diagnosed in the late stage where curing disease is very difficult.
In context of breast cancer death, with 18.9 mortality rate per 100,000 women, Malaysia having the highest ranking in the Asia pacific region. With 15.5, 14.0, 12.7 mortality rate, Singapore, Australia and India holds 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranks respectively for breast cancer death in the region. Worldwide mortality rate from breast cancer is 12.9 per 100,000 women.

Australia Screening

In 1991, Australian government has established BreastScreen Australia to provide free, population wide mammography screening every two years to women aged 50-69. The upper age limit was extended to 74 years in 2015. The breast cancer screening participants are stable between 54 percent and 58 percent in past couples of years.
Breast cancer awareness in Australia is steadily growing due to government supports and national and international NGOs efforts. According to a survey conducted in 2014, 91 percent of respondents said that breast cancer can be successfully treated whereas 97 percent believes that early detection of breast cancer can mean less invasive treatment and better quality of life.

China Screening

At present china has not established national level breast cancer screening programs in their national healthcare policy. With respect to other Asian countries, China has low breast cancer incidence and mortality rate. It is one of the reasons which indirectly affect the implication of breast cancer screening program national level in China.  Local trial projects have occurred in some part of China. A 2010 survey found that only 22 percent of Chinese women get breast cancer screening with all methods including Clinical Breast Examine (CBE) in their whole life.
Breast cancer awareness in China is very poor. According to a survey conducted in urban and rural women from Eastern China, around 82 percent women had very bad awareness about the breast cancer and around half of that knew breast lump was a potential indication of the breast cancer. Lack of national level breast cancer screening program is also contributing low breast cancer awareness in China. 

India Screening

India is still waiting for a national level breast cancer screening program for early detection of breast cancer patients.  At present, there is no strategy, nor any efforts, when it comes to finding early breast cancer in India. As a result, less than 1 percent of Indian women aged 40 to 69 have a screen in every two years.
Breast cancer awareness in India is not good. In last 7-8 years, there is no significant improve for breast cancer awareness among the Indian women. Low literacy about breast cancer among the Indian women is more responsible factor than socio-economic and educational background.  There is urgent need to establish a national level breast cancer awareness programs in India.