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Europe Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence, Patient Population Details

Multiple Sclerosis market in Europe is growing due to strong healthcare support system and disease modifying therapy cost is comparatively five times lower than United States. Individual patients can also afford treatment in most of the European countries, if they are not covered with public health insurance. Although, it is difficult to manage for long-term as it is preventable disease not curable.

                                               Europe –  Multiple Sclerosis Patient Population (Numbers), 2013 
                                       Source:, MNG Tracker 

In European Region, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy are four largest countries for multiple sclerosis patients. In 2013, these four holds 110 Thousand patients, 85 Thousand, 50 Thousand and 50 Thousand patients respectively. In terms of multiple sclerosis patients share, Germany has control over 40 percent share whereas with 24 percent share, United Kingdom holds the 2nd most multiple sclerosis patients contributed in the European region.

                                          Europe –  Multiple Sclerosis Patient Population Share (Percent), 2013
                                       Source: MNG Tracker 
When we talks about multiple sclerosis prevalence in European region, we found that United Kingdom and Sweden having the highest prevalence rate in the region. In 2013, United Kingdom and Sweden multiple sclerosis prevalence rate was 143.8 and 134.8 respectively, per 1,00,000 general population. Germany is on the 3rd spot with prevalence rate 99 whereas Netherlands, Italy and Norway has multiple sclerosis prevalence rate 94.9, 88.2 and 86.4 respectively, per 1,00,000 population in 2013.
                                      Europe –  Multiple Sclerosis Patient Prevalence (Per 1,00,000), 2013 
                                 Source:, MNG Tracker 
In terms of multiple sclerosis patient average age, almost all European countries fall between the age group of 30 to 35 years.  France having the lowest average age 29.4 years whereas Spain has highest average age of 39.5 in the European region.